New water scale-prevention technology validated by GSA Green Proving Ground study

June 15, 2015
Fluid Dynamics has received GSA Green Proving Ground validation for the first totally green scale-prevention technology available in North America.
June 15, 2015 -- A water scale-prevention technology new to the U.S., but proven in Europe for more than 40 years, has been validated by a General Services Administration Green Proving Ground study. Developed by Fluid Dynamics, a manufacturer of polymer blending systems, the technology was proven effective as a salt-free, no-chemical, no-power solution to the problem of calcium deposits due to hard water -- a serious and growing issue for residential, commercial and industrial water users alike.

Traditional hard water approaches rely on complex systems using chemicals, salts or electromagnetic energy. In contrast, the Fluid Dynamics solution is totally green and is as simple as it is effective. The catalytic technology is integrated into the line carrying the water, which flows over a proprietary metal alloy where turbulence causes calcium and carbonate to bond together to form aragonite instead of calcite. The aragonite remains suspended in the water instead of bonding to surfaces, as it does with calcite.

The GSA field study was conducted during 2013-2014 by Oak Ridge National Laboratory. It confirmed that Fluid Dynamics' unique technology not only prevents scale buildup, but it actually eliminates prior scaling over a period of time. The study focused on the issue of hard water in water heating systems, where calcium deposits cause serious problems ranging from increased energy usage to outright system failure.

Another unique benefit of the Fluid Dynamics technology is the wide range of sizes and applications. From a 1/2-inch residential water line to a 48-inch industrial system, the same concept works across the board. The company's scale prevention products have been sold in the UK and Europe since 1973 and have been made available in North America since 2009. The product range has been marketed under the names Scaletron, Limetron, Housetron, and Colloid-A-Tron, and it is currently finalizing new branding identification.


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