PHILADELPHIA, PA, APRIL 8, 2020 -- The National Association of Water Companies (NAWC) has released their annual Safety Benchmarking Report. During a time of unprecedented concern for the health and safety of working in areas that are critical to the ongoing response to COVID-19, NAWC says this benchmark study demonstrates how NAWC member companies are best-in-class when it comes to health, safety and security programs.
“Taken together, the benchmark report findings show that the p roactive safety and security work member companies have been championing has enhanced their ability to protect employees and provide reliable, quality service to the communities they serve in times of crisis like the one we’re facing today with the COVID-19 outbreak,” said NAWC President and CEO Robert F Powelson.
NAWC’s Safety Benchmarking Report focuses primarily on the prevalence of health, safety and security programs at NAWC member companies as well as accident incidence rates in 2019.
The report found that almost nine in ten respondents (88.9%) reported that they have a specific health and safety policy already in place while a slightly higher percentage (94.4%) of respondents noted that they have a health and safety program. Additionally, more than eight in ten respondents (82.4%) reported having a cybersecurity program in place while more than nine in ten respondents (94.4%) have a policy that defines employees’ accountability for workplace safety. More than eight in ten (83.3%) of responding companies have an internal health and safety audit inspection program, and half of those companies also conduct safety audits.
The National Association of Water Companies (NAWC) is the voice of the private water industry, including the regulated drinking and wastewater utilities. NAWC is the only organization representing this group of quality service providers, innovation drivers and responsible partners. NAWC members have been at the forefront of water safety and security for years -- well before the Federal Government or Congress mandated stringent measures.
SOURCE: National Association of Water Companies (NAWC).