FreshMix- Elevated Storage Tank
Click here to enlarge imageThe Chicago Bridge & Iron Company (CB&I) offers two simple, economical systems to improve disinfection performance after the chemical is added.
Disinfectant Contact Time
The 1989 U.S. Surface Water Treatment Rule (SWTR) requires that suppliers provide disinfection to inactivate various microorganisms. Specific CT levels must be attained during the disinfection process. CT is defined as the residual disinfectant concentration (C, mg/L) multiplied by the effective contact time (T10, minutes). The SWTR Guidance Manual specifies CT requirements.
The theoretical detention time, T, in a contact tank (or "clearwell") is calculated by dividing the tank volume by the inlet flowrate. The effective contact time, T10, will be smaller than T because water does not flow evenly throughout the entire tank; flow can "short-circuit" through portions of the tank, taking a relatively direct path between the tank inlet and outlet and leaving low-flow "dead zones" in other areas of the tank.
Many design approaches have been used to improve baffle performance and contact time of clearwells. For example, both rectangular and round tanks have been fitted with a number of straight interior baffle walls in order to create a serpentine flow path. Round tanks have also been fitted with curved baffle walls to create a long spiral flow path. Generally, as the amount and cost of the baffling has increased, performance has improved.
Ribbon Flow Clearwells™
One option is CB&I's Ribbon Flow Clearwell, which uses relatively small, simple baffles on the inlet and outlet of the clearwell to improve performance with minimal baffling. The inlet baffle creates a narrow, full-height opening against the tank wall that results in a tall, thin ribbon of water entering the tank. The outlet baffle has a similar long narrow opening extending the full height of the tank. Due to the influence of these baffles, the flow tends to follow a long spiral path from the inlet baffle to the outlet baffle.
The Ribbon Flow was first employed in two 112 foot diameter by 16 foot high clearwells in Carbondale, IL Tracer tests performed on those tanks demonstrated a T10/T ratio of 0.67. To date, the system has since be used in five locations.
The advantages of the Ribbon Flow clearwell include:
- It allows the use of smaller tanks, thus reducing costs and space requirements.
- The inlet and outlet baffles remain effective during changes in either flow rate or tank water levels.
- It can be made to resist seismic loads very economically.
Storage Tank Performance
The drinking water that leaves the treatment plant is still in danger from the regrowth of microorganisms, or from the introduction of new microorganisms, within the distribution system. These microorganisms can cause disease or create unpleasant tastes and odors. To counter these potential problems, water suppliers strive to maintain a residual disinfectant concentration throughout the distribution system.
Water typically both enters and leaves water storage tanks through bottom connections. This can result in a large volume of unused water in the top of the tank moving up and down, essentially as a stagnant "piston" of water. The disinfectant contained in the entering water can dissipate to ineffective levels before reaching the upper stagnant water, allowing microorganisms to grow there. When an unusually large amount of water is withdrawn from the tank, the upper stagnant water with its microorganisms may be distributed to consumers.
Draft Tube Ejector Mixing System
CB&I's FreshMix% system is a simple system that applies the well-established technology of draft tube ejectors in order to distribute fresh, disinfected inlet water throughout a water storage tank. The system consists of a nozzle on the end of the inlet pipe and a vertical draft tube. Incoming water flows through the inlet nozzle into the draft tube, where it educts or "drags" stored water along with it, resulting in a significantly higher mixing flow rate and thorough mixing. When the combined water stream exits the top of the draft tube, it then mixes with the water in the top of the tank before ultimately returning to the tank bottom.