In other news below:
-- Report foresees $50 billion valve market in 2010
-- ICC, IAPMO move to develop joint plumbing, mechanical codes
-- Drinking water provided by Koch Membrane, U.S. Navy in Miss.
-- Itron launches new corporate website
-- Dam safety coalition calls for passing dam rehabilitation, repair legislation
-- USAID partners again with P&G for Pakistan earthquake survivors
-- Royal engineers and St. Dunstan's bring fresh hope, clean water to Ghanians
-- New environmental technology projects welcomed by UK Environment Minister
-- Pure Cycle notes two Colo. land board RFPs to develop Lowry Range resources
-- PICO closes on transaction to supply water for new community in Nev.
-- Regalito secures water rights for Regalito Copper Project in Chile
-- Dymec's new fiber optic terminal server protects utility SCADA networks
-- Microchip Technology unveils online design center for utility meter
ASCE to focus on lessons learned from natural disasters
HOUSTON, TX, Oct. 20, 2005 -- With Hurricane Wilma skirting the Yucatan peninsula and its northern edge already cutting across Cuba toward the Florida Keys, the American Society of Civil Engineers announced the program for its upcoming convention highlighting natural disasters, America's infrastructure and emergency preparedness. The ASCE Civil Engineering Conference 2005, Oct. 27-29 in L.A., will include a review of the response to Hurricane Katrina, the Asian earthquake and Indian Ocean tsunami...
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Report foresees $50 billion valve market in 2010
NORTHFIELD, IL, Oct. 20, 2005 -- Sales of industrial valves will reach $50 billion per year by 2010, up from $41 billion this year predicts the McIlvaine Company in its continually updated online report, Valves: World Markets. The oil and gas and refining segments will be the largest purchasers. The world market for valves used in municipal drinking water supplies will rise from $2.5 billion this year to $2.8 billion in 2010...
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ICC, IAPMO move to develop joint plumbing, mechanical codes
FALLS CHURCH, VA, Oct. 20, 2005 -- Following up on a Sept. 28 agreement, the International Code Council and International Association of Plumbing and Mechanical Officials will hold a high level, face-to-face meeting Nov. 19. They solidified an intent to proceed with discussions on a potential joint venture to update the Uniform Plumbing Code, Uniform Mechanical Code, International Plumbing Code and International Mechanical Code to produce a joint code in the respective subject areas...
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Drinking Water provided by Koch Membrane, U.S. Navy in Miss.
BILOXI, MS, Oct. 20, 2005 -- Koch Membrane Systems, a developer and manufacturer of membrane elements and systems, is providing clean and potable water for reconstruction, humanitarian aid and disaster relief in post-Hurricane Katrina Mississippi. KMS worked with engineers from the U.S. Army and the U.S. Department of the Interior's Bureau of Reclamation to provide clean and potable water through the use of tactical water purification systems, designated Expeditionary Unit Water Purification Systems (EUWP)...
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Itron launches new corporate website
SPOKANE, WA, Oct. 20, 2005 -- Itron Inc. announced today the launch of its new Website at The new site features many improvements for visitors that make it easy to find the information they seek about Itron's broad solution portfolio, and how to apply those solutions to specific business challenges. The new site also provides much easier access to region- and language-specific content for global visitors...
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Dam safety coalition calls for passing dam rehabilitation, repair legislation
RESTON, VA, Oct. 20, 2005 -- While the nation watched nervous officials in Taunton, Mass., monitor several dams nearing failure after the weekend's extreme storm event, the Association of State Dam Safety Officials (ASDSO) and ASCE this week urged support for the Dam Rehabilitation and Repair Act of 2005 (H.R. 1105), legislation that would create a federal funding program to repair the nation's unsafe public dams. Introduced by Rep. Sue Kelly (NY-19th), the bill would begin to address the thousands of public dams that threaten lives and livelihoods in communities across the country...
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Among other recent headlines:
• USAID announces partnership with Procter & Gamble for Pakistan earthquake survivors -- WASHINGTON, DC, & CINCINNATI, Oct. 20, 2005 -- The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and Procter & Gamble announced today a $600,000 public-private alliance to provide safe drinking water for survivors of the devastating earthquake in Pakistan. USAID and P&G's first partnership on clean water dates back to 2003, when USAID provided funding for the Safe Drinking Water Alliance. The partnership launched PUR, a new point-of-use water purification product developed by P&G to provide safe water in Ethiopia, Haiti, and Pakistan. This new partnership is specifically dedicated to providing clean drinking water to the victims of the devastating earthquake in Pakistan...
In related news:
-- CIDI, Pakistan Consulate urge public to donate cash to aid earthquake victims
-- UNICEF: Thousands of children at risk in mountains of Pakistan, second wave of fatalities likely worse than tsunami
• Royal engineers and St. Dunstan's bring fresh hope, clean water to Ghanians -- LONDON, Oct. 20, 2005 -- A six hour walk for water will become a thing of the past for thousands of Ghanaians when a team of Royal Engineers install a water pipeline that will deliver water at the turn of a tap. The six-man team from 521 Specialist Team Royal Engineers (Water Development), part of 170 (Infrastructure Support) Engineer Group, will be working on the six week project in Northern Ghana, together with St. Dunstan's, the charity that provides life-long care for blind ex-service men and women. When connected to the existing water infrastructure, the 5.7km pipeline will supply fresh water to the villages of Kpalusogu and Koshibu in Northern Ghana. Local villagers will complete the work, overseen by the engineers...
• New environmental technology projects welcomed by Environment Minister -- Giving new life to brownfield land in Middlesbrough -- LONDON, Oct. 20, 2005 -- Environment Minister Elliot Morley has given his backing to 10 new British projects that will see groundbreaking technology developed to boost recycling, improve the quality of our rivers and restore contaminated former industrial land, according to a news release posted to the Government News Network by the Northeast branch of the UK Department for The Environment, Food And Rural Affairs (DEFRA). Out of 89 EU-wide projects, 10 will be led by Britain, the most ever approved for the UK. In total, GBP36 million [US$63.9 million; US$1=GBP0.56] will be injected to develop new technology and approaches to protect and enhance the environment in the UK, including some GBP9.4 million [US$6.92 million] from an EU fund...
• Pure Cycle - State Land Board issues two RFP's to develop Lowry Range Property -- DENVER, Oct. 20, 2005 -- Pure Cycle Corp. reported that Colo. Gov. Bill Owens announced the State Board of Land Commissioners has authorized issuance of two requests for proposals (RFPs) seeking a development partner to "assist with the entitlement, resource planning and development" of 3,800 acres on what's known as the Lowry Range Property, which encompasses 26,000 acres of largely undeveloped land in Arapahoe County, Colo...
• PICO closes on transaction to supply water for new community in Lincoln County, Nev. -- LA JOLLA, CA, Oct. 20, 2005 -- PICO Holdings Inc. announced that the Lincoln County Water District and PICO's wholly-owned subsidiary, Vidler Water Company Inc., have closed on a previously announced transaction to sell water to a developer in Lincoln County, Nev...
• Regalito secures water rights for Regalito Copper Project in Chile -- VANCOUVER, Canada, Oct. 20, 2005 -- Regalito Copper Corp. has acquired 239.5 liters per second of water rights approximately 38 kilometers from its Regalito copper leach project in Chile. The acquisition also includes surface flow rights and a significant land position comprising 7 kilometers of river frontage encompassing the wells and the land necessary for the development of infrastructure to support the pumping of water to the mine site. The water rights will be acquired for annual cash payments over a three year period...
• Dymec's new fiber optic terminal server protects utility SCADA networks -- NORTH ANDOVER, MA, Oct. 20, 2005 -- DYMEC announces the DS2000-TS utility-hardened serial-to-IP fiber-optic terminal server. The server enhances network reliability and reduces costs by integrating fiber optic interfaces on serial data connections. Serial-over-fiber interfaces provide optical signal isolation required for reliable data connectivity in harsh electromagnetic environments such as power utility substations. It solves a wide range of industrial connectivity applications such as supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) with support for many serial device protocol options, including legacy bit-oriented protocols common with established SCADA systems. Cyber-security protection extends to the edge of critical infrastructure networks using advanced encryption, VPN and IP firewall features...
• Microchip Technology makes it easy to create electronic utility meter applications with new online design center -- CHANDLER, AZ, Oct. 19, 2005 -- Microchip Technology Inc., a provider of microcontroller and analog semiconductors, launched its new online Utility Meter Design Center ( -- a comprehensive website that provides engineers with technical tools and resources to create accurate, reliable and low-cost utility metering applications, including energy, water, gas and heat meters...
In earlier newsbriefs, see: WaterBriefs: Eleven international trade delegations to attend WEFTEC.05 -- Also in this report (Oct. 19, 2005): Black & Veatch-led team completes stormwater management research; Koch Industries receives Keep America Beautiful award; Atlantium introduces new UV water disinfection system; Telvent to help upgrade Lee's Summit, Mo., water system; CCWD receives patent for new water treatment approach; N.J. American Water wins excellence award; Hispania Capital Partners completes investment in CSA Group; Leading phytoremediation expert joins ENSR; ICL Industrial Products announces price increases; Aqua Society enters study with Coca Cola India; Environment among topics for nanotechnology event; Wataire signs marketing deal with International Development Corp.; USAID increases assistance to countries affected by Hurricane Stan...