BIG BEAR CITY, CA, July 28, 2005 -- Big Bear Area Regional Wastewater Agency (BBARWA) Board Chairman Ken Dally announced last night that the U.S. House of Representatives passed a bill that will authorize $15 million in federal funding for water reclamation and distribution by the BBARWA. The bill, the Water Resources Development Act, HR 2864 was passed by a 406-14 vote and is expected to move to the Senate prior to Congress' August recess.
"The federal funding will cover between 50 and 75 percent of the cost of the proposed groundwater recharge project and provide a significant savings for the community of Big Bear," said BBARWA General Manager Steven Schindler. "Congressman Jerry Lewis has played a crucial role in securing federal dollars for this project and I look forward to working with him to make this project a reality."
In May, BBARWA filed a Notice of Preparation of a Program Environmental Impact Report (EIR) that announced the start of the environmental review process for the recycled water and groundwater recharge programs. BBARWA is proposing to adopt and implement a Recycled Water Master Plan which includes the use groundwater recharge and recycled water. Recycled water will be considered for landscape irrigation, endangered species habitat enhancement, industrial and commercial businesses. BBARWA is already using recycled water for residential and commercial use.
BBARWA was established in 1974 to transport, treat and dispose of wastewater for the Big Bear Valley area residents and businesses. BBARWA is conducting studies to expand its recycled water program and to develop a new groundwater recharge system. For more information visit the Web site at
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