LONG BEACH, CA, July 14, 2005 (BUSINESS WIRE) -- The Metropolitan Water District of Southern California was to present a check to the Long Beach Water Department for $3.1 million in State of California Proposition 13 grant funds to construct a regional conjunctive use water storage and recovery project with the city of Lakewood.
The event was to occur July 14 at Heartwell Park in Long Beach. Expected to be present were Kevin Wattier, Long Beach Water general manager; Helen Hansen, president, of the Long Beach Board of Water Commissioners; James Glancy, Lakewood water resources director; and Debra Man, COO of MWD.
The Long Beach Water Department is continuing to develop a water supply reliability portfolio that resembles that of an experienced and successful investor: smart, diversified and productive. The reliability of southern California's water supply rests on four pillars of critical investment: conservation, reclamation, desalination and conjunctive use.
Increased utilization and progressive management of groundwater storage will significantly strengthen supply reliability and help maintain affordable water rates.
Undertaking its second large conjunctive use project, the Long Beach Water Department will construct an Aquifer Storage and Recovery (ASR) well in the City of Lakewood that will allow storage of up to 3,600 acre-feet of imported water during normal to wet hydrologic years for use in times of emergency, drought or other special conditions.
For more on the Long Beach Water Department, see www.lbwater.org.