SACRAMENTO, CA, Feb. 11, 2005 (BUSINESS WIRE) -- The California Department of Water Resources has accepted 42 applications from 44 received requesting a total of $71,305,947 in Proposition 50 Water Desalination Grants.
Applications include: nine feasibility studies, 11 Research & Development projects, 14 pilot projects, and eight construction projects. This grant program implements Chapter 6(a) of Proposition 50, the Water Security, Clean Drinking Water, Coastal and Beach Protection Act of 2002.
The applications are being evaluated to select projects that will provide the most benefit to the State. The amount of funds appropriated for this funding cycle is $25 million. Applicants are required to match the State grant by at least 50% of their total project cost.
The complete list of eligible proposals can be found at the DWR website:
The Department of Water Resources operates and maintains the State Water Project, provides dam safety and flood control and inspection services, assists local water districts in water management and water conservation planning, and plans for future statewide water needs.