Dec. 1, 2003
Continuous microfiltration (CMF) technology from the UK-based company Memcor Ltd removed contamination at Salt Springs Water treatment plant in Jordan...

Jordan: Continuous microfiltration (CMF) technology from the UK-based company Memcor Ltd removed contamination at Salt Springs Water treatment plant in Jordan, where local springs had become infected with fecal coliform, cryptosporidium and giardia. Memcor's membrane filtration system prevents the passage of suspended solids.

Prior to the CMF installation, the presence of fecal coliform meant a high risk to the people of Salt City from dysentery, hepatitis, typhoid and cholera, but Memcor's technology now provides 6.5 million m3 of clean drinking water per year, which adheres to the Jordanian Water Ministry's requirement to maximise the water that is available from the country's aquatic resources.

Kuwait: The Kuwait News Agency reports that Kuwait is negotiating with Iran about a water supply deal to supply drinking water to Kuwait through a proposed undersea pipeline. A draft agreement that has yet to be presented to both governments explains that Iran will supply 900,000 m3 of water per day from its Karkha dam to Kuwait for 30 years. Iran agreed in principle to supply Kuwait with the water last January. The project will be financed by the private sector.

Macedonia: The Japan Bank for International Cooperation (JBIC) signed a US$ 89-million loan agreement with the government of the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia to fund the Zletovica Basin Water Utilization Improvement Project. Eastern Macedonia receives only 500 mm of rainfall per year – one half of the world average. The loan will be used to procure civil works, materials and equipment in addition to consulting services for construction of a multi-purpose dam on the upper stream of Zletovica River, 80 km east of the Macedonian capital Skopje. The Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Economy will carry out the project, which will also provide for consulting services for related intake and raw water transmission facilities in the neighbouring area.

UK: Hanovia Limited of Slough, UK, reports that recent research conducted by Charles Sharpless and Karl Linden at Duke University in Durham, North Carolina, USA, proves that nitrite formation during medium-pressure ultraviolet (MPUV) light disinfection treatment of water and wastewater is minimal and unlikely to be a health concern. The researchers showed that, within the parameters of the experiments, the amount of nitrite formation was well below the US maximum level of one part per million. They concluded that, under present US regulations, nitrite formation poses no significant problem for water utilities using MPUV lamps.

This research addresses recent concerns raised recently about the use of MPUV for water treatment, questioning whether low levels of nitrite formed from nitrate as part of the disinfection process pose a health threat. Nitrite formation is negligible with LPUV, but there seems to be a slightly higher possibility of its formation with MPUV, particularly at the shorter UV wavelengths below 240 nm. For more information, contact the company website:

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