HARRISBURG, Pa., July 18, 2001 -- The Pennsylvania Infrastructure Investment Authority (PENNVEST) today approved $118 million in low-interest loans and $13 million in grants for 52 drinking water, wastewater and storm- water projects to serve communities in 34 counties across the Commonwealth.
The grants, provided under Gov. Tom Ridge's "Growing Greener'' initiative, were targeted at 13 prohibitively expensive projects to bring them within the financial reach of their customers.
The state funding approved at today's board meeting ranges from $161,582 to help design a wastewater-collection system for a small community in Tioga County where malfunctioning septic systems and wildcat sewers are discharging inadequately treated sewage into publicly accessible areas; to $11,000,000 to construct a new wastewater-collection system and interceptor for Jefferson Township in Lackawanna County, where almost 30 percent of the individual septic systems are malfunctioning and discharging waste into publicly accessible areas.
The funding for today's projects brings PENNVEST'S total funding for community water and sewer projects to more than $2.7 billion since the program's inception.