SALT LAKE CITY, UT, Nov. 23, 2011 -- Commissioning has begun for a recently installed filtration system that's part of a wastewater improvement effort in the City of Lamar, Missouri.
The WWETCO FlexFilter™ system has been installed following a lagoon treatment process and is being used for the removal of algae prior to additional treatment in a subsequent nitrification process.
The compressible media filter has proven to be efficient for the removal of algae from lagoon effluent, which improves downstream treatment processes, and enhances the UV transmissivity for more effective disinfection. This installation will be the first FlexFilter system to be put into service since WWETCO, LLC was acquired by WesTech Engineering Inc. of Salt Lake City, Utah.
John Gottschall, General Manager of WWETCO, LLC, said, "The simplicity and flexibility of this product will truly be a game-changer in how we look at equipment for primary treatment, tertiary filtration, and CSO/SSO treatment."