PHILADELPHIA, September 17, 2009 -- The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency today presented the regional Source Water Protection award to the Meadville Area Water Authority in Meadville, Crawford County, Pa., for protecting drinking water sources. “With this award, EPA is recognizing Meadville Area Water Authority’s outstanding partnership program in protecting sources of drinking water,” said Jon M. Capacasa, director of the water protection division for EPA’s mid-Atlantic region.Meadville's program protects the ground water which serves as the source for seven drinking water wells, servicing over 16,000 customers. The partnership, which includes an advisory team of citizens, townships, institutions of higher learning, and state and local governments, is conducting an innovative program to protect drinking water wells. In addition, the partnership is educating students and the broader community about protecting drinking water. "This award salutes everyone's effort towards protecting our most valuable resource -- water," said Gary A. Fabian, chairperson for the Meadville Area Water Authority. "Together, through this public/private partnership, we have worked tirelessly in meshing the protection of our water sources and promoting the growth of the community we serve.The Safe Drinking Water Act requires states to delineate the area supplying drinking water to each public water system. Pennsylvania has assessed potential sources of contamination, and made that information available to the public. The Source Water Protection Award encourages innovation and leadership by recognizing outstanding achievements by communities in protecting their sources of drinking water.