SAN DIEGO, CA, Dec. 8, 2009 -- Poseidon Resources issued the following statement today regarding this week's California Coastal Commission hearing on the request by opponents of seawater desalination to revoke the Carlsbad Desalination Project's Coastal Development Permit:
"After a decade of planning and an unprecedented level of environmental and public review by numerous public agencies and regulators, including the Coastal Commission, the Carlsbad Desalination Project is fully permitted and construction has started.
"The permit revocation request is a last ditch effort by opponents of seawater desalination to stop the Carlsbad Desalination Project. Seeking CDP revocation only for the purpose of delaying a Project that opponents do not like is an improper motive.
"Opponents' revocation petition is patently frivolous and without merit. Their arguments are either unsubstantiated or contrary to the evidence already before the Commission in the Project's administrative record.
"The Commission staff has made a strong recommendation to deny the revocation request; we agree with staff and urge denial so we can move forward with this critical new drinking water supply."
Poseidon Resources specializes in developing and financing water infrastructure projects, primarily seawater desalination and water treatment plants. These projects are implemented through innovative public-private partnerships in which private enterprise assumes the developmental and financial risks. For more information on Poseidon Resources and the Carlsbad desalination plant visit our website at