ALBUQUERQUE, NM, Apr. 1, 2009 -- MIOX Corporation, a leader in on-site generation of hypochlorite and mixed oxidants for water disinfection, has partnered with the Town of Westerly, RI, installing two MIOX-501 and four MIOX SAL-80 mixed-oxidant systems to prevent microbial contamination.
The Town of Westerly chose MIOX following a study conducted by C&E Engineering Partners Inc., which found mixed oxidants helped maintain water distribution system chlorine residuals and improved water quality taste while improving corrosion control and lowering the formation of disinfection byproducts typically associated with more standard chlorine-based water treatment processes.
"We analyzed MIOX's mixed-oxidant system using approved EPA methods and found the chlorine residuals could be more easily maintained in the primarily unlined cast iron distribution system without the inherent issues of chlorine taste and odor associated with sodium hypochlorite. Distribution testing for the Lead and Copper Rule also indicated lower concentrations of copper and lead and that the MIOX system was less likely to generate Trihalomethanes (TTHMs) and Haloacetic Acids (HAAs)," said Thomas B. Nicholson, P.E., President/Chief Engineer at C&E Engineering.
MIOX's clean technologies treat water using only salt, water and power to generate a dilute disinfectant on site. Creating disinfectant on site is cost effective and environmentally responsible, cutting back transportation requirements, reducing carbon emissions and fuel consumption, and eliminating the storage and disposal of chemical containers.
"The MIOX system eliminates the need for the Town of Westerly to store and transport chlorine gas, reducing the potential for accidents and better protecting employees, nearby residents and businesses," says Brian Hyde, Northeast Regional Sales Manager. "Our mission was to provide Westerly residents with a safe, environmentally friendly and cost-efficient way to treat the town's drinking water. With the cooperation and support of Westerly Town Council, we were successful."
MIOX mixed-oxidant technologies enhance the quality of drinking water by eliminating biogrowth in pipelines, reducing the formation of disinfection byproducts, preventing recontamination with a protective disinfectant residual and improving odor and taste.
"Water quality has been identified in Westerly as a quality-of-life issue," adds town council member Chris Duhamel, PE. "We have found the MIOX system to meet the requirements for high safety without the associated chlorine bleach taste or odor. Our constituents are in great support of the MIOX system over the previously mandated sodium hypochlorite system. In addition there are reduced maintenance costs and improved handling safety associated with MIOX. Westerly is pleased with the result."
MIOX Corporation's patented water disinfection technology replaces the need to purchase, transport and store dangerous chemicals.