Radolid® Protection Caps with Volatile Corrosion Inhibitors (VCI) protect nuts and bolts from corrosion. VCI's are a class of colorless vapor corrosion inhibiting compounds that block the corrosive effects of electrolytes. Caps are pressed onto nuts and bolts by hand, snapping into place when in position. The caps help prevent corrosion on different types and sizes of bolts and nuts.
Advance Products & Systems
Lafayette, LA
Tel: 800-315-6009
Web: www.apsonline.com
Circle No. 232 on Reader Service Card
Root controlDuke's Root Control is a full-service root control company. Through application of its proprietary herbicide, Razorooter II, over 2,000 U.S. municipalities have benefited from extended pipe life, reduced SSO occurrences, and maximized asset value. The company can customize a root-control program that integrates CMOM into each municipality's O&M plan.
Duke's Sales & Service
Syracuse, NY
Tel: 800-447-6687
Web: www.dukes.com
Circle No. 234 on Reader Service Card
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