SAN FRANCISCO, CA, July 25, 2005 -- Kennedy/Jenks Consultants, with principal sub-consultant Brown and Caldwell, was recently selected as prime engineering consultant, leading a team of 15 specialty consultants, to design a new raw water conveyance pipeline for the Freeport Regional Water Authority (FRWA) in Sacramento County.
The FRWA was formed through a Joint Powers Agreement between the Sacramento County Water Agency (SCWA) and the East Bay Municipal Utility District (EBMUD). The $150 million regional water supply pipeline will provide unincorporated areas in central Sacramento County with a more reliable water source and reduce their reliance on groundwater, and supply EBMUD with supplemental water in dry years, reducing the need to ration water during drought.
The one-of-a-kind regional pipeline will be 17.6 miles long, ranging in size between 60-inch and 84-inch diameter. The 84-inch pipeline will draw water from the Sacramento River at a new water intake facility and pumping plant near the town of Freeport and convey it east to a bifurcation (junction) where EBMUD's share will be conveyed further east in a 66-inch pipeline to the existing Folsom South Canal. At the bifurcation, SCWA's share of the water will be conveyed north in a 60-inch pipeline to the location of the new SCWA Water Treatment Plant, on a future extension of Vineyard Road in Sacramento County.
In a second project phase, proposed new facilities are being designed by EBMUD to transport Sacramento River water from the southern end of the Folsom South Canal to EBMUD's Mokelumne Aqueduct for use in the EBMUD service area. Studies and design of both phases are currently underway and are planned for completion by early 2007. Completion of construction on the new pipeline is scheduled for Fall 2009.
Kennedy/Jenks Consultants ( is a full service engineering and science consulting firm with 23 offices in the West and projects throughout the United States. Founded in San Francisco in 1919, the firm provides multidiscipline consulting services in water quality, water and wastewater treatment systems, water recycling, environmental investigations and remediation, industrial facilities and process engineering, utility systems, and airport, marine port, and railroad engineering.