MORGANTOWN, WV, Nov. 5, 2002 -- The latest issues of Pipeline, a free National Small Flows Clearinghouse (NSFC) newsletter, are now online at
Pipeline, a free publication of the National Small Flows Clearinghouse (NSFC) is written for a general audience, and each issue explains a wastewater technology or theme of interest to local officials and community residents. The articles are presented in an easy-to-read, non-technical style and each issue includes a list of contacts and resources. The three most recent issues are:
"Soil Characteristics: Demystifying Dirt" (Spring 2002, Item # SFPLNL29): This issue reviews the characteristics of soil that affect the efficiency of-or choice of-dispersal methods. A glossary of soil related terms is included.
"How To Keep Your Water 'Well" (Summer 2002, Item #SFPLNL30): This issue presents the possible effects and special considerations that are mandatory to prevent the contamination of drinking water wells in areas where onsite treatment is employed.
"Alternative Dispersal Options" (Fall 2002, Item # SFPLNL30): This issue provides clear descriptions and diagrams of the various approved subsurface dispersal methods, including trenches, contour systems, drip irrigation, gravelless and chamber systems, mound systems, evapotranspiration systems, and pressure/low pressure pipe systems.
Located at West Virginia University, the NSFC is a nonprofit organization funded by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency to assist small communities with their wastewater concerns. For more information, or to order a copy of this Pipeline issue (Item #SFPLNL29, #SFPLNL30, #SFPLNL30), call the NSFC at (800) 624-8301 or (304) 293-4191.
To order by e-mail, send the name, address, phone number, and the quantity you wish to order to [email protected] Pipeline newsletter may also be downloaded from NSFC's Web site, which is located at