KANSAS CITY, KS, Feb. 9, 2012 -- EPA has awarded $364,000 to Plattsburg, Mo., for improvements to its drinking water system. The purpose of the project is to increase the capacity of the current water transmission main, which conveys water from the water treatment plant to the distribution system.
The construction will include approximately 9,200 feet of 16-inch iron pipe, water valves and fire hydrants. This will reduce numerous leaks that have recently occurred. Such leaks can cause low water pressure and introduce contaminants to the water.
EPA Region 7 Administrator Karl Brooks said, "The City of Plattsburg recognized the need for drinking water improvements and is taking proactive measures to provide safe drinking water now and in the future. This grant will partially fund the construction project which is estimated to cost $661,800."
The project is expected to be completed by the summer of 2013.