PPI to continue infrastructure awareness-for-savings program

April 1, 2009
The Plastics Pipe Institute (PPI) will continue its educational awareness program that explains the economic and environmental benefits of using high-density polyethylene (HDPE) pipe to fix the nation's deteriorating infrastructure. Applications for HDPE pipe range from stormwater drainage systems to radiant heating, plus potable water, sanitary sewer and natural gas lines.

• Plastics Pipe Institute directs efforts to educate industry; Special focus for nation's mayors and on favorable environmental aspects

IRVING, TX, Mar. 27, 2009 -- The Plastics Pipe Institute (PPI) will continue its educational awareness program that explains the economic and environmental benefits of using high-density polyethylene (HDPE) pipe to fix the nation's deteriorating infrastructure. The announcement was made today by Tony Radoszewski, executive director of the PPI. The PPI is a Texas-based non-profit advocacy. Applications for HDPE pipe range from stormwater drainage systems to radiant heating, plus potable water, sanitary sewer and natural gas lines.

"The products made by our members serve every underground utility are a true lifesaver in today's severe economic times," Radoszewski stated. "It is PPI's goal to educate the general public, community and utility officials, engineers and others about the benefits of pipe made from HDPE. Basically, plastic pipe provides favorable labor and material costs, superior joints and a lower carbon footprint when compared to traditional metal and concrete pipe. And plastic doesn't rust.

"We know from our efforts started two years ago that there still is a great desire to know more about the economic and environmental benefits of HDPE pipe and how it can improve existing pipe systems that were put together using technology from the 1800's. The waste of water alone is catastrophic. The American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) 2009 Report Card for America's Infrastructure calculates that leaking pipes lose an estimated seven billion gallons of clean drinking water a day. We want everyone to know about the solution to this critical problem."

The PPI offers frequent webinar sessions at no cost, plus in-person educational and training sessions, materials and expert testimonials. It is also an active member of the U. S. Conference of Mayors' Business Council providing industry insight to help the nation's mayors fix their crumbling underground infrastructure.

"Mayors are closest to the people and have the inside track as to what kind of investments will bring real, lasting and long-term change for their constituents," Radoszewski explained. "They also understand that economic viability goes hand-in-hand with a commitment to environmental innovation. Our role is to let them know products exist today that address these key issues, helping them become heroes in their community"

PPI's "Be a Hero - Building Community" campaign focuses on the features and benefits of pipe made from HDPE for potable water, sewer and stormwater drainage systems, natural gas lines, fiber optic and power cable runs. Illustrations show how mayors and other responsibly-minded municipal staff members can save communities from costly and potentially dangerous failing pipelines while reducing or stretching capital expenditures.

"Our 2009 campaign is based on our newest brochure 'A Greener Infrastructure' which is available on our website - www.plasticpipe.org," Radoszewski said. "In it, we show how HDPE pipe delivers a sustainable and environmentally responsible system that will serve generations to come. Mayors are particularly well positioned to effectively promote these systems to their citizenry and we want to help them educate and deliver the message.

"We know the challenge is to balance economics, growth and the protection of the environment. We believe HDPE pipe fits that bill," Radoszewski concluded.

The Plastics Pipe Institute Inc. is a Texas-based, not-for-profit organization founded in 1950. As the major trade association representing all segments of the plastic piping industry, it is PPI's charter to furnish accurate, unbiased information, facts and guidelines about plastic piping systems. It provides data, documentation, educational sessions, materials such as brochures, technical papers and webinars plus expert testimonials.


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