The Delta-Mendota Canal is part of the Central Valley Project in California. Source: Bureau of Reclamation.
WASHINGTON, DC, MARCH 15, 2019 -- President Donald Trump recently proposed a $1.1 billion Fiscal Year 2020 budget for the Department of the Interior's Bureau of Reclamation. The budget supports the Administration's and Interior's goals of ensuring reliable and environmentally responsible delivery of water and power for farms, communities and industry, while providing Reclamation with tools to confront the widening imbalances between supply and demand throughout the West.
"This budget reaffirms the Administration's commitment to water and power reliability," said Commissioner Brenda Burman. "A significant portion of this request is dedicated to improving existing infrastructure, including dams and reservoirs, and alleviating the impact of current and future droughts, so the West can continue to be the engine that drives our nation's economy for years to come."
Reclamation's FY 2020 budget of $1.110 billion consists of $962.0 million for Water and Related Resources, $60.0 million for Policy and Administration, $33.0 million for the California Bay Delta account and $54.8 million for the Central Valley Project Restoration Fund.
The proposed budget includes $114.1 million in appropriations for various projects for Extraordinary Maintenance (XM) activities across Reclamation. Reclamation's XM budget is part of its overall asset management strategy to improve the management of its assets and deal with aging infrastructure challenges. Significant additional XM items are directly funded by revenues, water and power customers, or other federal agencies (e.g., Bonneville Power Administration).
To view full details of Reclamation's budget request, visit