WESTLAKE, OH, March 15, 2010 -- The American Society of Sanitary Engineering has issued their first Lead Content Certification for Cash Acme/Reliance Worldwide's Heatguard® 110-D Thermostatic Mixing Valve, listed to ASSE Standard 1017-2009. ASSE's Lead Content Certification Program was recently launched with the purpose of verifying new and current ASSE listed products as having less than or equal to 0.25% percent maximum average lead content.
With recent legislative changes in states such as California and Vermont, the need to verify lead content has become a necessity for manufacturers of plumbing products. The ASSE Lead Content Certification Program allows manufacturers applying for ASSE listings and manufacturers with current ASSE listings to demonstrate their compliance to new regulations as well as demonstrate their concern for the public's health and safety.
ASSE's program includes a lead content certification test report form, which calculates the lead content of a product being tested. These calculations are based on the test protocols set forth by the California Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC). To apply for ASSE's lead content certification, the lead content calculation report must be completed by an ASSE Listed Testing Laboratory.
To download a copy of the lead content certification test report form, visit ASSE's website at: http://www.asse-plumbing.org
For more information about the ASSE Lead Content Certification Program, contact: Kimberly Haffey, ASSE Product Listing Coordinator via e-mail at: [email protected].