CHICAGO, Oct. 12, 2005 -- Entries are now being accepted for the revised Innovative Design in Engineering and Architecture with Structural Steel Awards (IDEAS2). All entries are due Dec. 15, 2005.
Sponsored by the American Institute of Steel Construction (AISC), this program recognizes those projects where structural steel has been utilized in an innovative manner and recognizes the entire building team: architectural firm, structural engineering firm of record, general contractor, detailer, fabricator, erector as well as the project owner. Specialty consultants and contractors will be recognized at the discretion of the architect and structural engineer of record. Any member of the project team may submit a project for consideration. Joint submittals from project teams are encouraged.
The innovative use of structural steel may be in:
-- the accomplishment of the building's program
-- the expression of architectural intent
-- the application of innovative design approaches to the structural system
-- the utilization of productivity enhancing construction methods
The judges will consider the project's utilization of structural steel from both an architectural and structural engineering perspective with an emphasis on:
-- A creative solution to the project's program requirements
-- Application of innovative design approaches in areas such as connections, gravity systems, lateral load resisting systems, fire protection and blast
-- Aesthetic and visual impact of the project particularly in the coordination of structural steel elements with other materials
-- Innovative uses of architecturally exposed structural steel
-- Advances in the use of structural steel either technically or in architectural expression
-- Use of innovative design and construction methods such as 3-D building models, interoperability, early integration of specialty contractors such as steel fabricators, alternative methods of project delivery or other productivity enhancements
A panel of design and construction industry professionals will judge the entries in three categories according to constructed value in US dollars:
-- Less than $15 million
-- $15 million to $75 million
-- Greater than $75 million
Both National and Merit honors will be awarded. In addition, a Presidential Award of Excellence for structural engineering or architectural expression may be awarded at the judges' discretion.
All awards will be announced at the 2006 North American Steel Construction Conference in San Antonio, Texas, in February 2006. Presidential Awards of Excellence in Structural Engineering will be presented at NASCC with all other awards presented at the project location with all members of the project team and local media representatives invited. All award winning projects will featured in Modern Steel Construction and at the 2006 AIA National Convention.
Submission packets can be requested by visiting Submission packets can be requested until Nov. 15 and entries are due by Dec. 15. There is a $150 submission fee (which is waived for all AISC members).