PORTSMOUTH, VA, June 4, 2008 -- Woolpert was recently selected by the City of Virginia Beach to perform sewer flow metering services and by the City of Hampton to perform the initial stages of a Sewer System Evaluation Survey (SSES). The work is being provided to assist the cities, counties and Hampton Roads Sanitation District in compliance to a Regional Consent Order with the Virginia Department of Environmental Quality to reduce Sanitary Sewer Overflows (SSO).
Woolpert is currently performing six months of flow metering on the City of Virginia Beach's gravity sanitary system. This work will support Hydraulic and Hydrologic Modeling Activities while aiding in the identification of basins where SSES will need to be performed in conjunction with the Special Order by Consent with the Virginia DEQ.
Woolpert is performing similar functions for the City of Hampton initially and will be responsible for evaluating the data as well. Following evaluation of the flow meter data, Woolpert will prepare an SSES Plan and a system wide sewer model and develop a Capacity Management Operations and Maintenance Program (CMOM) to assist the city in maintaining its sanitary system. These are the initial stages of a multi-year program that will eventually lay out a Capital Improvements Program (CIP) for the city.
"These first steps are vital to finding and fixing the areas where sanitary sewer overflows (SSO's) are a concern. This project will ultimately help Virginia Beach and Hampton with their efforts to improve infrastructure conditions and consequently provide the public with more efficient operations," said Jamie Weist, PE, Woolpert associate and project manager.
Woolpert Inc. provides professional engineering, architecture, planning, enterprise information management, water management, surveying, and photogrammetry and remote sensing services to clients in the public and private sectors.