WASHINGTON, DC, July 17, 2009 -- CG/LA Infrastructure, LLC announced today the results of its latest Global Infrastructure 2030 Report, in advance of the upcoming North America Strategic Infrastructure Leadership Forum, to be held from September 22-24, in Washington, DC.
"We are at an inflection point," according to Norman F. Anderson, President & CEO of CG/LA. "At current investment levels, the US infrastructure market will decline to less than 10% of the world market by 2030; however our model shows that with the creation of a National Infrastructure Bank -- an agency that has received initial funding in the Obama Administration's budget -- the US will increase spending on infrastructure from the current anemic 1.3% of GDP level to a 'competitiveness' level of 3%, leaving us with more than 20% of the global market share in 2030. The effects a National Infrastructure Bank would have on our economy are truly extraordinary, steadily increasing infrastructure investment from today's level of roughly $160 billion to a level of $690 billion per year (in 2005 dollars) by 2030."
Other key findings of the Report include:
• Global infrastructure demand in 2030 will exceed $3 trillion/year (up from $1.2 trillion in 2010)
• China's share of global infrastructure spend will exceed 28% of the total, with the expanded EU making up 20.7% (the US share, at current levels, will fall to 11% - or, with a National Infrastructure Bank, reach as high as 21.6%)
• By 2015, global demand will be greatest in highways and bridges ($472.9 billion), but growth will be greatest in electricity transmission, the "Smart Grid" complex ($276.1 billion), and urban mass transit ($137.3 billion)
North America Strategic Infrastructure Leadership Forum: The Leadership Forum will present the Top 100 North American strategic infrastructure projects, with an overall value of nearly $500 billion. The Forum features the most important projects for increasing US competitiveness and generating jobs; projects are presented by their developers, across 10 infrastructure sectors - Smart Grid; Highways/Bridges; Urban Mass Transit; High Speed Rail; Water/Wastewater; Airports; Energy Generation; Renewable Energy; Ports & Logistics; and Strategic Projects. The 5 high-speed passenger rail projects ($129.4 billion) are by far the largest investment category on our updated list.
The 2009 Global Infrastructure 2030 Report: The 2030 Report focuses on presenting the results of CG/LA's proprietary project-focused analytic model in a relevant, easy-to-use format for both private executives and public officials. We assess infrastructure spend, on a bottoms-up basis, across 60 countries, and 10 infrastructure sectors. Please contact [email protected] for a prospectus.
The Global Infrastructure Leadership Forum YouTube Channel: CG/LA, in the lead-up to the North America Leadership Forum, has opened a channel on YouTube for Infrastructure Leadership interviews -- the "Imagination, Competitiveness & Opportunity in Infrastructure" interview series. The first interview, with Edward G. Rendell, Governor of Pennsylvania and co-Chairman of the Building America's Future coalition, took place on July 6th in Harrisburg and included a discussion of the National Infrastructure Bank's role as a keystone of the US build-out (the full podcast can be heard at http://cg-la.libsyn.com/rss). Also, see the July 14th interview with Andy Kunz, President & CEO of the US High Speed Rail Association.
The Global Network for Competitiveness & Opportunity
CG/LA Infrastructure, LLC, the world leader in strategic infrastructure project identification and development, created the Leadership Forum in order to bring infrastructure projects to life for equipment sellers, technology firms, service providers, EPC firms and investors, through more than 60 discrete presentations, a series of high-level keynotes, trend-spotting panel presentations, 10 key Town Hall meetings, and more than 2,500+ pre-scheduled private meetings.