National Association of Regional Councils announces green infrastructure grant opportunity

April 3, 2009
The National Association of Regional Councils (NARC) is seeking applications for the distribution of grants to regional organizations promoting the use of green infrastructure and Landcare. Two grants, in the amount of $5,000 each, will be awarded to regional planning organizations identified as Regional Centers of Excellence, to enable these organizations to promote green infrastructure best-practices, programs and projects to their peers...

WASHINGTON, DC, Apr. 3, 2009 -- The National Association of Regional Councils (NARC) is seeking applications for the distribution of grants to regional organizations promoting the use of green infrastructure and Landcare. Two grants, in the amount of $5,000 each, will be awarded to regional planning organizations identified as Regional Centers of Excellence, to enable these organizations to promote green infrastructure best-practices, programs and projects to their peers.

The Regional Centers of Excellence Initiative, a program of NARC, in partnership with the U.S. Forest Service, promotes green infrastructure and Landcare work at the regional level by supporting information sharing among regional organizations. By identifying regions with exemplary green infrastructure and Landcare practices and facilitating, mentoring and promoting peer-to-peer exchanges, the Initiative will strengthen green infrastructure and Landcare projects and catalyze new efforts.

"The Regional Centers of Excellence Initiative is a valuable way to engage NARC members and promote green infrastructure and Landcare initiatives across the country," said NARC President Stephen Cassano, Selectman, Town of Manchester, CT. "NARC looks forward to awarding these grants and continuing to work with the US Forest Service and regional planning organizations in building public awareness on these important issues."

Grant applications are due by April 9, 2009, 5pm ET.

>> Click HERE for grant application [.pdf]

NARC will announce the grant recipients by May 31, 2009. Recipients will be asked to make a brief presentation during the 43rd Annual Conference and Exhibition, May 31-June 3, 2009 in Denver, CO.


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