• Putting people to work for clean, safe drinking water and a cleaner environment
MADISON, WI, May 13, 2009 -- Governor Jim Doyle today announced $143 million in funding from the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act for clean water and drinking water revolving loan funds in Wisconsin, providing grants to municipalities for water infrastructure projects.
"The Recovery and Reinvestment Act is directly helping put people to work in Wisconsin, rebuilding our water infrastructure while providing good jobs," Governor Doyle said. "These funds will allow water construction projects throughout the state to proceed, driving an important economic engine for local communities."
Twenty percent of the recovery funds will be used for projects to address water or energy efficiency goals, mitigate storm water runoff, or encourage environmentally sensitive project planning, design, and construction. Priority will be given to projects ready to proceed to construction in 12 months and quick-start projects.
The recovery funds for clean water and drinking water revolving loan programs will be distributed to municipalities by the Department of Natural Resources through competitive grants. The municipal application deadline for Clean Water State Revolving Loan Fund is June 30, while the deadline for applications to Drinking Water State Revolving Loan Fund was Apr. 30. The state has worked closely with municipalities to ensure applications are received in time to be considered.