Over $19.2M in stimulus funds for wastewater infrastructure projects in North Dakota

May 27, 2009
EPA has awarded more than $19.2 million to the North Dakota Department of Health under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 to help finance overdue improvements to wastewater projects...

DENVER, CO, May 27, 2009 -- In a move that stands to create jobs, boost local economies, improve aging water infrastructure and protect human health and the environment for the people in the State of North Dakota, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has awarded more than $19.2 million to the North Dakota Department of Health. This new infusion of money provided by the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 will help state and local governments finance many of the overdue improvements to wastewater projects that are essential to protecting public health and the environment across the state.

"EPA is pleased to provide $19.2 million in Recovery Act funds for much needed improvements to North Dakota's water infrastructure that will benefit the state for decades to come," said Carol Rushin, Acting Regional Administrator. "This funding will protect public health and improve water quality while creating hundreds of green collar jobs in North Dakota."

The Recovery Act funds will go to the state's Clean Water State Revolving Fund program. The Clean Water State Revolving Fund program provides low interest loans for water quality protection projects for wastewater treatment, non-point source pollution control, and watershed and estuary management. An unprecedented $4 billion dollars will be awarded to fund wastewater infrastructure projects across the country under the Recovery Act in the form of low interest loans, principal forgiveness and grants. At least 20% of the funds provided under the Recovery Act are to be used for green infrastructure, water and energy efficiency improvements and other environmentally innovative projects.

Approximately 45% of North Dakota's Clean Water State Revolving Fund projects funded with this Recovery Act grant will go towards green infrastructure projects. This includes one $5 million project that will transport treated effluent from a Jamestown, N.D. water treatment facility for reuse by an energy plant near Spiritwood, N.D. The energy plant would otherwise use groundwater for its processed water need.

Since the Clean Water State Revolving Fund program began in 1987, EPA has awarded more than $26 billion in grants, which states have turned into $69 billion of financial assistance for water quality projects. The revolving nature of the program ensures water quality projects will be funded for generations to come.

President Obama signed the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA) on February 17, 2009 and has directed that the Recovery Act be implemented with unprecedented transparency and accountability.

>> See how every dollar of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 is being invested
>> Information on EPA's implementation of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009
>> Information on EPA's implementation of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 in North Dakota
>> Information on the Clean Water State Revolving Fund program


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