WASHINGTON, DC, MARCH 23, 2020 -- The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has issued a Coronavirus guidance for drinking water and wastewater for the public, reiterating that Americans can continue to use and drink water from their tap. The COVID-19 virus has not been detected in drinking-water supplies and based on current evidence, the risk to water supplies is low, according to EPA.
Additionally, EPA’s guidance cites the World Health Organization’s declaration that, “there is no evidence to date that COVID-19 virus has been transmitted via sewerage systems, with or without wastewater treatment.”
“America’s public clean water utilities and the hardworking men and women who operate them remain essential public servants on the front lines of environmental protection and will continue to ensure access to clean water services during this period,” said Adam Krantz, CEO of the National Association of Clean Water Agencies (NACWA), which represents public wastewater and combined drinking/wastewater utilities in the United States. “The water and wastewater treatment sector are critical to minimizing exposure to coronavirus and will continue this vital service to communities around the country without interruption.”