Click here to enlarge imageAqua-Aerobic Systems Inc.
Rockford, IL
Tel: 815-639-4456
Technical resource catalog
The Water Environment Federation has released its 2002 Technical Resource Catalog. The organization provides a wide range of publications, videos and CD-ROMs dealing with every aspect of wastewater collection and treatment. Sample topics include disinfection, odor control, plant management, computers and automation, plant and system design, biosolids and water reuse.
Water Environment Federation
Alexandria, VA
Tel: 703-684-2400
Solids handling
JWC Environmental has released its new Engineered Systems Brochure, a detailed account of the company's latest solids handling equipment. The brochure is a full color, six-page depiction of its family of products, including the Auger Monster®, the Honey Monstertrademark Septage Receiving System and Screenings Washer Monstertrademark, a self-contained, hopper fed system used to grind, wash, compact and de-water screenings. The screenings washer captured the 2001 Innovative Technology award from the Water Environment Federation. Included with the brochure is a new video which contains footage of actual sites and testimonials from end users using each product.