Resource Spotlight

Jan. 1, 2017
Collection of books, etc. dealing with water issues.
‘One Water’ strategies

The US Water Alliance has published One Water Roadmap: The Sustainable Management of Life’s Most Essential Resource, a guide for tackling our nation’s most pressing water challenges. This report highlights successful strategies and powerful real-world examples of One Water management in practice. The roadmap features approaches that water utilities, businesses, agricultural groups, and municipalities are implementing to build a secure water future for all. Organized around six arenas for action - Reliable and Resilient Utilities, Thriving Cities, Competitive Business and Industry, Sustainable Agricultural Systems, Social and Economic Inclusion, and Healthy Waterways - the resource is available for download now.

US Water Alliance

Climate and health assessment kits

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has developed eight communication kits that summarize key points from The Impacts of Climate Change on Human Health in the United States: A Scientific Assessment for the different populations that are disproportionately affected by climate-change impacts. The agency is providing these materials for use and modification by anyone seeking to communicate the health impacts of climate change to a range of audiences.

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

Updated rate manual for small systems

The second edition of the American Water Works Association’s M54 Developing Rates for Small Systems is now available from AWWA. As an official AWWA Manual of Water Supply Practices, it includes the best practices for setting rates, fees, and charges for water utilities serving a population of up to 10,000. The manual includes the step-by-step guidance utilities need to determine revenue requirements, analyze rates for different customer classes, develop a financial plan, and design a better rate structure - even with limited resources and data.

American Water Works Association

Updated website

The Hydrostatic Stress Board (HSB), an independent, technical-based group of voluntary industry experts operating under the auspices of the Plastics Pipe Institute Inc. (PPI), has launched a new website with improved resources for visitors. Content includes downloadable forms and templates to submit requests for compounds and composite plastic pipes (PPI TR-4) as well as ingredients and PVC resins used for vinyl pipe (PPI TR-2) for inclusion in the HSB listing program. Other new documents include step-by-step instructions about the submission process, reports of relevance about policies in PPI’s Technical Report (TR) PPI TR-2 and PPI TR-3, an online inquiry form, and an announcements page.

Plastics Pipe Institute

Book release

Routledge has published a new book, Environmental Water Markets and Regulation: A comparative legal approach, by Katherine Owens. The author presents a comprehensive study of the legal frameworks of four areas to show how the law has been deployed to steer and coordinate water governance in Oregon; Colorado; Alberta, Canada; and the Murray-Darling Basin in Australia/Basin State of New South Wales. The book focuses on how water trading frameworks can be repurposed for environmental water recovery and aims to conceptualize the most appropriate role for law in supporting recovery through these frameworks.


Updated logo, branding

The Hydraulic Institute (HI) will celebrate its centennial in 2017 and is celebrating with a new logo as part of a larger initiative to position HI for the next 100 years of service to the pump industry. The logo includes a hidden letter H that reflects the nature of pumps - always there, working behind the scenes; and arrows that represent a pump’s purpose - flow and movement, reflecting the evolution over the past 99 years from when pump manufacturers first came together to discuss common issues and develop technical standards.

Hydraulic Institute

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