Exploring the branches of the chlorine tree

May 4, 2005
Chlorine Chemistry Council provides online interactive tool that highlights chemistry contributions at www.chlorinetree.org...

ARLINGTON, VA, May 2, 2005 (BUSINESS WIRE) -- From clean drinking water to the most advanced high-tech applications of the new millennium, the products of chlorine chemistry touch our lives every day. To showcase the many ways that chlorine helps ensure the health, safety and comfort of people around the world, the Chlorine Chemistry Council has created the Chlorine TreeTM, a virtual tour of the thousands of products created through chlorine chemistry.

Using videos, animation, sound, photographs and text, the site offers visitors the chance to explore the various chemical "branches" of the chlorine tree and experience the many ways in which chemistry enhances our daily lives. The site showcases how chlorine contributes to the areas of health, safety, nutrition, security, transportation, lifestyle and high-tech innovation.

"Because it is largely an industrial commodity, chlorine is usually invisible to the public," said CCC Executive Director, C.T. "Kip" Howlett, Jr. "As an industry, we want to communicate the countless benefits we provide and de-mystify the science and processes behind what we do."

As a commodity chemical, chlorine and its co-product, sodium hydroxide (caustic soda), are used in more than half of all commercial chemistry applications to create hundreds of secondary compounds that in turn contribute to plastics, pharmaceuticals and thousands of other modern-day products. Over the past century, the chlor-alkali industry has grown to a $70 billion business in the U.S. that contributes to an estimated 45 percent of the gross domestic product.

Visitors to the site are just a click away from reading detailed descriptions of individual products, watching a narrated video, or printing user-friendly information. The site also features background documents, links to other web sites and a variety of other resources that will assist users seeking further information about the essential role chemistry plays in making our lives safer, healthier and more enjoyable.

The Chlorine Chemistry Council, a business unit of the American Chemistry Council, is a national trade association representing the manufacturers and users of chlorine and chlorine-related products. Chlorine chemistry contributes to thousands of products essential to modern life. To learn more, visit www.chlorinetree.org.


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