(Denver, CO) -- A request for proposal (RFP) for a new solicited study on disinfection efficacies of viruses listed on the Contaminant Candidate List (CCL) has just been announced by the Awwa Research Foundation, a nonprofit organization dedicated to advancing the science of drinking water. Up to $300,000 in funding is available for the project, which is co-sponsored by the Drinking Water Inspectorate in the United Kingdom. The RFP is available on the Foundation's Web site at http://www.awwarf.org/research/plansAwardsFunding/RFP.aspx.
The objective of the study is to identify and fill gaps in existing literature on disinfection efficacies of viruses listed on the CCL in order to better understand the extent of inactivation of viruses by common disinfectants used in drinking water treatment. The deadline to submit a proposal is July 15, 2005.
An appointed project advisory committee will evaluate proposals based on responsiveness to the RFP, scientific and technical merit, and qualifications of the researchers. Guidelines for preparing solicited proposals are available on the Web site at http://www.awwarf.org/research/projectAdmin/proposalGuidelines.aspx.
The project must include 25 percent of the total project budget as in-kind or cash contribution. In-kind contributions can be in the form of labor, materials, or laboratory and other services, and may come from project participants such as water utilities, consulting firms, and universities.
The Awwa Research Foundation is a member-supported, international, nonprofit organization that sponsors research to enable water utilities, public health agencies, and other professionals to provide safe and affordable drinking water to consumers. With close to 1,000 subscriber members in the U.S. and abroad, the Foundation has funded and managed more than 900 projects valued at $370 million. More information on the Awwa Research Foundation is available at www.awwarf.org.