TALLAHASSEE, FL, Oct. 28, 2015 -- Through its Drinking Water State Revolving Fund (SRF) program, the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) has allotted nearly $19 million for improvements to eight eligible local drinking water systems across the state.
The funds will allow these drinking water system operators to update water infrastructure and improve drinking water quality. The funding is a combination of grants and loans that carry a below-market interest rate, which helps keep costs to ratepayers low.
"Investing in our drinking water infrastructure is essential to ensuring a dependable, healthy water supply for our residents," said DEP Secretary Jon Steverson. "This funding program helps local governments make these vital investments in our communities."
During this initial round of funding for FY 2015-16, DEP will provide loans and grants for Haines City, the town of Ponce Inlet, Orange City, Lake Worth, Lighthouse Utilities, Gasparilla Island Water Association, Marianna, and Wildwood.
For FY 2015-16, the department has approximately $169 million available to fund drinking water improvement projects. The program is funded by federal grants, state matching funds, loan repayments, and interest earnings.
Projects that meet requirements for SRF assistance are ranked on the priority list, as required by the federal Safe Drinking Water Act. The priority ranking system gives the greatest priority to projects that address risks to human health, ensure compliance with water regulations and assist systems most in need. The priority list is reviewed and adopted periodically by DEP at public meetings as projects become ready.
The Drinking Water State Revolving Fund program has awarded over $825 million in loans for drinking water improvement projects since its inception in 1998 and $265 million in funding for 71 projects in just the past five years. For more information, click here.
See also:
"FL DEP implements nine Land and Water Conservation Fund contracts totaling $1.8M"
"Florida DEP honors Key West WWTP with 2014 Plant Operations Excellence Award"