DOVER, DE, Feb. 5, 2015 -- The Delaware Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control's Division of Watershed Stewardship and the Financial Assistance Branch have announced that they are now accepting project proposals from state, county and municipal governments and governmental subdivisions for matching grants for wastewater and surface water project planning.
Eligible projects include planning, preliminary engineering and feasibility analysis of: wastewater projects; stormwater retrofits; green technology practices; stream and wetland restoration projects; small watershed studies; master surface water and drainage plans; and other source water pollution control projects.
Grant applications of up to $150,000 will be considered with a 1:1 cash match requirement. Up to 10 percent of the grant funds may be used for administrative costs. Applicants may submit multiple grant applications; however, there is an annual cumulative grant award cap of $150,000 per successful applicant per fiscal year.
The Wastewater and Surface Water Matching Planning Grant programs are set-asides in the state's Clean Water Revolving Fund. Projects will be recommended for funding by the Delaware Water Infrastructure Advisory Council through a competitive grant process. Project guidelines and the application can be found online at the Financial Assistance Branch page.
Proposals must be received by 4:30 p.m., Feb. 27, 2015, and must be submitted by email to [email protected] (Subject: Wastewater Matching Planning Grant) or [email protected] (Subject: Surface Water Matching Planning Grant). Proposals submitted by email must be less than 10 MB.
See also:
"Delaware receives EPA approval for $54M plan to improve water quality, cut greenhouse gases"
"DNREC, DCRC reach penalty settlement agreement for water-related violations"