Dec. 8, 2000—The United States and Canada have gone beyond what the law requires in successfully reducing emissions of the major contributors to acid rain, sulfur dioxide (SO2 ) and nitrogen oxides (NOx), according to a new joint study on cross-border air pollution released today by both countries.
As a result of these emissions cuts, rainfall acidity in the eastern United States has been reduced up to 25 percent compared to the 1980s; additionally, some ecosystems in New England are beginning to show signs of recovery from acidic damage.
The study, "U.S.-Canada 2000 Air Quality Agreement Progress Report," is the fifth in a series of biennial reports authorized by the 1991 United States-Canada Air Quality Agreement.
The study includes data on the significant progress both countries have made in expanding cooperative efforts to reduce air emissions of ground-level ozone (smog) and particulates.
The report further cites new cooperative efforts in both nations to assess the impact of particulate transport across the border and to develop a joint work plan to address the problem.
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