COSTA MESA, CA, Aug. 25, 2003 -- They proved their industry excellence in 1997 with the revolutionary Auger Monster® -then four years later in 2001, JWC Environmental produced another winner with the Screenings Washer Monster®. Now they have added a third.
The Honey Monster®, Septage Receiving System is this years' winner of the Water Environment Federation 2003 Innovative Technology Award in the Solids Handling/Disposal category. The presentation of this award will take place at WEFTEC, a major North American water quality technical conference & exposition in Los Angeles during October.
This award is presented to WEF Members who introduce the most innovative new product or service related to the construction, operation, or maintenance of water pollution control facilities.
Competition was rigorous, as each nominee was required to provide extensive detail on the innovative aspects of the product or service's capability, design and field application. The Honey Monster Septage Receiving System, met all the criteria due primarily to its unique combination of solids reduction via two-shafted grinding technology, the washing, compacting and de-watering capabilities of an auger conveyor system and its advanced
The Honey Monster is based on technology employed in the 1997 WEF award winning Auger Monster technology .The system allows a cleaner method of handling septage truck waste can empty an entire truck in 5 to 15 minutes. The Honey Monster is available with an optional metering and billing control system that controls access, monitors septage flow and provides accurate billing information to septage haulers and the plant.
JWC Environmental, a privately owned corporation headquartered in Costa Mesa, CA, manufacturers and services a complete line of sewage waste grinders, high flow fine screens and removal equipment for wastewater treatment. Providing extensive sales, marketing and service support enhances their ability to design custom applications.
JWCE distributes its products through a global network of independent representatives and distributors. In addition, JWCE provides extensive sales and service support through regional and international sales offices and service centers. For more information contact Fritz Egger at [email protected], JWC Environmental, 290 Paularino Avenue, Costa Mesa, CA 92626, voice 800/331-2277, fax 949/833-8858, or visit them online at: