April 18, 2001—EPA announced April 18 that it will extend the effective date of the arsenic rule that was promulgated January 22 an additional nine months, to February 22, and implement a two-part process for reviewing the rule. EPA earlier had extended the original effective date 60 days, to May 22.
The review process includes asking the National Academy of Sciences "to perform an expedited review" of a new arsenic standard ranging from 3 micrograms/L to 20 micrograms/L and convening a National Drinking Water Advisory Council to review relevant economic issues.
Administrator Christie Whitman said in a press release that the NAS review will cover new health effects studies received after the comment period closed on the proposal that produced the January 22 rule as well as EPA's arsenic risk analysis.
She directed staff to prepare a proposal seeking additional comment on the specified range for an arsenic standard and to develop a technical assistance program to help water systems meet whatever standard is finally adopted.
For more information, visit http://www.epa.gov.