May 18, 2001—The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has released the revised Drinking Water State Revolving Fund allocations that tell what share of annual appropriations each state will get in fiscal years 2002 through 2005, the American Water Works Association announced today.
As explained in the May 18 Federal Register, the new allocations are based on the 1999 Needs Survey, which said states need $139 billion over the next 20 years to meet SDWA regulations and ensure safe drinking water.
Allocations range from a low of 1 percent for 22 states to a high of 10.24 percent for California. Based on this year's budget request of $823.2 million for the DWSRF program, those percentages amount to $7.8 million and $79.8 million, respectively, AWWA said.
States share the amount left over after EPA sets aside funds for certain national programs, which for FY2002 will amount to $30 million for operator certification expense reimbursement, $12.4 million for Indian Tribes and Alaska Native Villages and $2 million to support unregulated contaminant monitoring should Congress appropriate the amount requested.
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