Feb. 22, 2001—The Detroit City Council has approved a water and sewer rate rise, according to a report from the Detroit Free Press.
The new rates, with an average water and sewer increase of 7.6 percent for Detroit residents, will take effect July 1.
The new rates, approved in a 6-3 vote Wednesday by the Council, will pay for major improvements in the city's water system, which is over 100 years old.
Because of new requirements from the Environmental Protection Agency, the Detroit Water and Sewerage Department must build a $300 million ozonated water treatment plant, the Detroit Free Press reported.
To read more about the issue, visit the Detroit Free Press' web site at http://www.freep.com/news/metro/water22_20010222.htm. To reach Detroit Water and Sewerage Department, visit http://www.dwsdweb.com/frame.htm.