Apr. 29, 2011 -- EPA has approved the Havasupai Tribe's application for "Treatment in the same manner as a State" under Section 303 of the Clean Water Act, promoting tribal self-government and empowering the Havasupai Tribe to develop water quality standards.
The Havasupai Tribe will develop water quality standards for their waters, including Havasu Springs which flows into Havasu Creek. Similar to the process used by States, proposed tribal standards will be available for public review and comment, and EPA must approve them before they go into effect under the Clean Water Act. At that point the Tribe will be responsible for taking enforcement actions when there are violations of the Tribe's water quality standards.
The Havasupai Reservation is located in north central Arizona on the south rim of the Grand Canyon, and spans approximately 185,000 acres. The Reservation contains 139.6 miles of creeks of which 6.4 miles are perennial, 132.4 miles are nonperennial and 0.8 miles are canals.