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SAN ANTONIO, TX, Feb. 11, 2011 -- San Antonio Water System today issued a request for proposals to help with its water meter replacement program. Through the Request for Competitive Sealed Proposals (RFCSP), SAWS is seeking a vendor to purchase and install SAWS-approved water meters, both residential and commercial, in parts of its service territory.
"Water meters play a vital role in measuring the water consumed by our customers," said Stacey Isenberg, SAWS Vice President, Customer Service. "Over time, water meters begin to slow down, and the potential revenue loss can be significant. Replacing older meters will ensure that SAWS accurately bills the customer based on actual water usage, which helps maintain affordable rates for all of our customers."
Up to 18,100 residential and commercial meters throughout San Antonio will be replaced over a six month period. The selected vendor will coordinate with SAWS to purchase all of the meters, ensuring that they meet SAWS specifications; communicate with customers to minimize impact during meter installation; and install the meters, including any prep work or meter leak repairs needed. The RFCSP details all of the requirements and specifications, and includes maps of the areas included in this meter replacement project.
All interested parties must attend a mandatory pre-proposal meeting at 1:00 p.m. CST on February 28, 2011, at SAWS Headquarters in the Customer Service building. The meeting will address the key requirements listed in the RFCSP, explain the proposal and evaluation process, and discuss how to properly submit proposal responses for consideration. A formal process to submit clarification questions will follow, resulting in a formal addendum being issued for the project.
Responses to the RFCSP will be due at 2:00 p.m. CDT on Friday, March 18, 2011. SAWS will then evaluate the submitted responses to identify which, if any, is the best value proposal for its meter replacement program.
Since 1992, San Antonio Water System has provided leadership in managing and developing water resources in the San Antonio region. Water and wastewater services are provided to more than 1 million consumers in the San Antonio area. For more information, visit www.saws.org.