WASHINGTON, DC, April 1, 2008 -- The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency is announcing a new Web-based compliance assistance center that provides comprehensive environmental compliance assistance and pollution prevention information for colleges and universities. The center was developed by the National Association of Colleges and University Business Officials with support and funding from EPA.
The Web site makes it easier for school officials to learn more about applicable environmental regulations and ensure a safe and sustainable environment for their students, faculty and staff. The online center provides information on topics including waste management, air and water resources, drinking water, and public safety. Viewers can find out what types of campus activities are regulated by EPA, see how best to comply with environmental regulations, query federal enforcement and compliance data, learn how to apply for federal grants, and e-mail comments to EPA on regulations under development.
EPA sponsors 15 other Web-based compliance assistance centers on agriculture, auto repair, automotive recycling, chemicals, construction, federal facilities, health care, local government, metal finishing, paints and coatings, printed wiring board, printing, transportation, tribal, and U.S. borders. These Web sites were visited nearly 2 million times last year.
Campus Environmental Resource Center: http://www.campuserc.org
Information on EPA's compliance assistance centers: http://www.epa.gov/compliance/assistance/centers/index.html