Nov. 28, 2012 -- The Water Environment Research Foundation (WERF) is pleased to announce that registration is now open for its 8th Annual Research Forum in Chicago, IL. The forum brings together leading researchers and sector experts to share the latest on wastewater, stormwater, and water quality research. It also features technical presentations, discussions, and networking and collaboration opportunities. The onsite event takes place on Jan. 29 and 30, 2013 overlapping with the Water Environment Federation’s mid-year meeting at the Chicago Hilton.
This year’s theme The Melding of Economics and Innovation is explored in three main sessions to include:
Economic Decision Making for Wastewater Collection and Treatment
- Energy’s Role in the Economics of Wastewater Treatment
- Managing the Economic Impacts of Wet Weather
Presentations in each session explore emerging research and address some of today’s most pressing water quality issues. The 8th Annual Research Forum is open to WERF subscribers and non-subscribers.
“After three consecutive years of hosting our Forum as a virtual event, we are responding to member interest and holding this year’s Forum as a live onsite event,” stated WERF Director of Research Dan Woltering, Ph.D. “We invite you to register and come interact with your water sector colleagues.”
A complete list of educational sessions and speakers, as well as registration and sponsorship information, can be found at