WASHINGTON, DC, Nov. 17, 2009 -- Nutrients have been identified as one of the top causes of water quality impairment in the United States. On Dec. 1, 2009, EPA's Watershed Academy will present a Webcast highlighting the new State-EPA Nutrient Innovations Task Group report and related issues. This Webcast will present findings from the new report called An Urgent Call to Action: Report of the State-EPA Nutrient Innovations Task Group posted at www.epa.gov/waterscience.
Ephraim King, Director, Office of Science and Technology, in U.S. EPA's Office of Water, will join us for this Webcast and will discuss the key findings of this report, which characterizes the scope and major sources of nutrients, and includes recommendations to address the issue.
Other speakers will include Craig Cox, Midwest Vice President, Environmental Working Group, who will discuss effective ways to address nutrient pollution from agriculture. And finally, Walter Baker, Director, Utah Division of Water Quality in Utah's Department of Environmental Quality will share successful approaches Utah is using to reduce nutrient pollution from agricultural livestock and municipal sewage treatment plants.
To register for this Webcast, visit: www.epa.gov/watershedwebcasts. EPA's Watershed Academy Webcasts reach thousands of federal, state and local practitioners with the latest training on watershed management topics through convenient on-line training. The Webcasts build local, state and regional capacity to achieve measurable water quality improvements, targeted to meet Strategic Plan objectives.
All EPA Webcasts are archived on the Watershed Academy Webcast Web page at www.epa.gov/watershedwebcasts. Webcast participants are eligible to receive a certificate for their attendance. Slide presentations are posted in advance and participants are encouraged to download them prior to the Webcast at www.epa.gov/watershedwebcasts.