WASHINGTON, DC, Dec. 4, 2009 -- This notice announces the availability of seven final reports by federal agencies for restoration and protection of the Chesapeake Bay and requests public comment. The reports were prepared pursuant to Executive Order (E.O.) 13508 of May 12, 2009, Chesapeake Bay Protection and Restoration. This E.O. requires that a draft strategy be published for public review and comments together with the final reports prepared by the federal agencies. The draft strategy was made available on November 9, 2008 for comment.
DATES: Comments on the seven Section 202 reports must be submitted on or before January 8, 2010.
ADDRESSES: Submit your comments online at http://www.regulations.gov for Docket ID No. EPA-HQ-OW- 2009-0761. After entering the docket for this action, click on one of the seven agency reports, for which you want to make comment. Once you arrive at the page for the specific report on which you wish to comment, click the "Submit a Comment'' button at the top right of the web page, then follow the on-line instructions.
To view the notice online, visit http://edocket.access.gpo.gov/2009/E9-28974.htm