CONCORD, NH, July 17, 2009 -- The New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services (DES) announces it now has available on-line pre-proposal application packets for 2010 Watershed Restoration Grants for Impaired Waters and 2010 Watershed Assistance Grants for High Quality Waters. The deadline for pre-proposals is September 4, 2009.
Projects that will be considered for funding are those that focus on a watershed to help restore polluted water bodies (impaired waters) caused by non-point source pollution, such as erosion related to land use or pollution related to stormwater run-off. Funding is also available to provide watershed protection for high quality water bodies that meet or exceed water quality standards, but water quality degradation. Funds can be used for a wide range of activities such as creating a watershed management plan, installing rain gardens, designing and implementing a stream or river restoration plan, stabilizing roadways that are contributing sediment to a lake or river, and dam removals.
Projects must include the creation of a watershed-based plan.
This grant opportunity, which is administered by DES, is being made available with approximately $700,000 appropriated from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency under Section 319 of the Clean Water Act and are offered to municipalities, non-profit organizations, state agencies, regional planning commissions, and county conservation districts.
>> Click here for more information or to access the pre-application form or contact Jeff Marcoux (603)271-8862 [email protected].