WI Environmental releases new technology to remediate heavy metal contamination

July 29, 2009
SEATTLE, WA, July 29, 2009 -- WI Environmental LLC has released a product to actualize the clean up of Puget Sound as well as assist worldwide in the remediation of contaminated soil, water and air...

• Puget Sound clean up top of list

SEATTLE, WA, July 29, 2009 -- WI Environmental LLC., a company dedicated to the treatment of heavy metal contaminates, announces it has a product to actualize the clean up of Puget Sound as well as assist worldwide in the remediation of contaminated soil, water and air. WI Environmental has created a trademarked product to solve the world's problems with heavy metal contamination. The signature product- XR-88™ encapsulates and renders benign a multitude of toxic heavy metals and poisons including arsenic, lead, nickel, chromium and chromium hexavalent 6.

"XR-88 is perfect for the Puget Sound clean up effort. Typically clean up efforts in Puget Sound require dredging or digging, which releases toxins that have been buried for years if not decades devastating fish, wildlife and residents. With XR-88 that is no longer an issue," said Timothy D. Wandell, president of WI Environmental. "I grew up and live on Puget Sound, and want nothing more than to see this treasure of the Pacific Northwest cleaned up."

By applying XR-88, contaminates are rendered benign, allowing the contaminated bottom sediment to remain safely in place, and saving hundreds of millions in hauling and dumping fees. To date, some methods used to clean up the Sound have resulted in containment and long-term unstable storage of contaminates. With XR-88 the soil pulled from the Sound can be treated on site and returned to its original place if desired or used elsewhere as an entirely safe building material in many cases.

Worldwide XR-88 can assist in a multitude of applications including wastewater treatment and soil and sludge stabilization. It is reported it can treat industrial wastewater, acid mine water, chrome mountains/landfills, power and sewage treatment plants waste streams, fly ash and harbor sediments. A significant benefit to using the product lies in its application method; it can be adjusted to fit the needs of the contaminant levels. In addition, the by-product created can sometimes be used as an organic fertilizer.

-- When properly applied to water, the sludge precipitates quickly and is dense, inert and stable. The water that remains is clear of all metals.
-- When properly applied to solids, the metals are captured in small glass-like particles rendering it inert, stable and non-hazardous.

Not only is XR-88 certified effective in treating heavy metals, it makes water treatment simple and efficient. Other benefits include:
-- Multiple metal removal- including low concentration metals
-- Enhanced arsenic & sulfate removal
-- Usually single stage treatment vs. traditional multi-stage
-- Water reuse
-- Sludge formation
-- Up to 50% - 67% reduced volume vs. traditional methods

XR-88 has passed and exceeded all EPA tests including the TCLP test for leachability. XR-88 does not harm aquatic or wildlife. In addition, one ton of XR-88 can treat up to 100 tons of contaminated water. It also absorbs carbon dioxide resulting in up to an 85% reduction in carbon dioxide emissions. In both land and water applications, the China National Standard and U.S. EPA standards for discharge standard on metals were attained.

XR-88 is very economical in treating wastewater, acid mine drainage and contaminated soils. Its use in regards to acid mine drainage would allow for billions of tons of water for reuse in agriculture and other areas.

Further applications
In regards to air emissions, WI Environmental uses a form of XR-88 and a worldwide patented air system to treat exhaust emitting devices especially coal fired generation plants. Most recent tests showed the system removed 92% of CO2 in less than two minutes and all other contaminates were treated. With use of this system it would allow easy retrofits to existing plants and allow new coal generation plants to be installed and operated.

Wandell Environmental, LLC is an environmental solution company founded by Timothy D. Wandell in 1996. It licenses qualified governments and companies for manufacturing and distribution of its products and technology.


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