JEFFERSON CITY, MO, July 6, 2009 -- Gov. Jay Nixon announced the Missouri Department of Natural Resources has awarded a $1.16 million grant to the Osage Valley Resource Conservation & Development Council in Clinton for the Mound Branch Watershed Evaluation and Restoration Project. This project will improve water quality and aquatic habitat in Mound Branch near Butler in Bates County, by increasing dissolved oxygen and reducing ammonia and sediment. During tough economic times, this infusion of grant funding will help the council protect citizens and the environment by improving water quality.
The grant will provide trainings and workshops for local agricultural producers and landowners to learn about best management practices and their effectiveness in reducing pollutants flowing into Mound Branch.
A project plan will be developed for monitoring water quality at nine sites within Mound Branch and its tributaries. Water quality parameters to be monitored include dissolved oxygen, ammonia, total suspended solids, total nitrogen, total phosphorus, pH, temperature, specific conductivity, optical brighteners and flow.
The Osage Valley Resource Conservation & Development Council and its partners will provide a match contribution of $771,335 during the life of the project bringing the total cost to $1.93 million.
A Citizens Watershed Committee was formed to assume local leadership responsibilities and assist with the project. The committee, with assistance from technical advisors, will use watershed modeling and water quality trend data to modify project activities on an annual basis.
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Region 7, through the Department of Natural Resources, has provided funding for these projects under Section 319 of the Clean Water Act. These grants will be administered by the Department's Water Protection Program. The Department is committed to working closely with communities and businesses to assist with funding efforts that improve water quality in Missouri.