DOVER, NH, July 15, 2009 -- Gov. John Lynch today signed into law five bills, which will improve the management and protection of the state's rivers, and strengthen state and local water protection partnerships.
"We know that water is a finite resource. New Hampshire must meet the challenge of managing all our water resources for the long term," Gov. Lynch said. "We must find a reasonable balance between environmental and human needs and these new laws that I am signing today will help us to better protect and manage this vital resource."
At the Strafford County Complex in Dover, Gov. Lynch signed:
- HB 58, which adds the Cocheco River to the state Rivers Management and Protection Program;
- HB 102, which strengthens the Rivers Management and Protection Program by clarifying certain sections of the statute and codifying the volunteer river assessment program in statute;
- HB 290, which gives municipalities the ability to adopt regulations to better manage flood-prone areas;
- HB 452, which designates segments of the Ammonoosuc River to the state Rivers Management and Protection Program; and
- SB 168, which creates the Coastal Watershed Alliance, allowing communities in the Seacoast watershed to address water quality concerns in a coordinated manner.
Gov. Lynch signed the legislation at the Strafford County Complex in Dover at a ceremony featuring supporters of the new laws, including representatives of the New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services, Cocheco River Watershed Coalition, UNH Cooperative Extension, New Hampshire Fish and Game, Strafford Rivers Conservancy and the Strafford Regional Planning Commission.
"People in every community expect and deserve safe, clean water which is why it is important that we are managing our water resources in a sustainable manner," Gov. Lynch said.