NORDMAN, ID, July 23, 2009 -- Jack Barron of Bonner County, Idaho must remove fill material and restore wetlands and stream channels on his property near Nordman, Idaho, according to an order issued by the Environmental Protection Agency.
The order alleges that Barron placed rock and other fill material into four acres of wetlands and stream channels near Lamb Creek without necessary permits from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. Barron filled the wetlands in preparation to build a house on his property. Lamb Creek is a tributary of Priest Lake, which supports many recreational activities including boating, fishing and camping.
"Idaho has fewer wetlands than most other states -- so it's up to property owners here to do what they can to safeguard what's left," said Jim Werntz, Director of EPA's Idaho Operations Office. "Getting the proper permitting is the first step to ensuring that Idaho's wetlands and wildlife don't face unnecessary risk."
The Idaho Department of Environmental Quality has identified portions of Lamb Creek as "impaired" because of high water temperatures and sediment. Wetlands help regulate water temperature, which is essential for protecting fish and other aquatic animals.
Barron must submit a restoration plan to EPA by August 17, 2009 and complete restoration work by November 1, 2009. He is required to submit monitoring reports documenting the success of the restoration work until October 31, 2020.
>> More information about the Clean Water Act Section 404 wetland regulatory authority [.pdf]
>> More information about wetlands protection work