DENVER, CO, May 20, 2009 -- The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency issued 8 administrative orders and settled 2 penalty actions in Wyoming from October 1, 2008 through March 31, 2009 under the Safe Drinking Water Act.
EPA issues an administrative order when a public water system violates the Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA) and its regulations. An administrative order requires the public water system to comply with the drinking water regulations that it violated and includes action items for returning to compliance.
EPA issued administrative orders to the following public water systems:
• Bunkhouse Bar and Grill, Cheyenne
• Camp Creek Inn, Jackson
• Evanston Port of Entry -- Wyoming Dept of Transportation, Evanston
• Hoback Stores, Jackson
• Nora's Fish Creek Inn, Jackson
• Ridgeway Community Well, Campbell County
• Sapp Brothers Truck Stop (Dieke SID), Cheyenne
• Sylvan Bay Homeowners Association, Pinedale
EPA issues a complaint for penalty when a public water system violates an administrative order. The penalty amount is based on a combination of the seriousness of the violations and the size of the population at risk, among other factors. EPA settled penalty actions with the following public water systems with the penalty amount noted:
• Bitterroot Ranch, Dubois, $1553.82
• Cheyenne Shrine Club, Cheyenne, $1200.00
The SDWA establishes specific regulations to assure the safety of public drinking water. In the State of Wyoming, EPA directly implements the SDWA and issues enforcement actions to public water systems that fail to comply with the SDWA and its regulations.
EPA Region 8 oversees the protection of public health and the environment in Colorado, Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, Utah and Wyoming.